The new TMY seemed to handle the wide luminance range well, though. Tents over looking lakes on bright sunny days make a lovely setting for a wedding, but all that backlighting can bedevil the flashless photographer. The M6TTL, CV 35 1.4 SC and a couple of rolls of the new TMax 400 (TMY) performed admirably. On the 4th of July, my cousin Brian got married on a veranda over looking Lake Michigan. M6TTL, CV 35 1.4 SC, TMY (New TMax 400), TMax Dev The black dot is ever so much more discrete.

Focusing is easier, but those vestigial corner-less framelines are just as hopeless as ever. While I’d hoped that the higher magnification would make using the 90 easier, it doesn’t.The ease of using the 50 on the M6TTL has me thinking that this might be a one lens camera for me, which makes me wonder what I should do with the 28, the two 35s and the 90.I’m not sure what this implies long term, but at the moment, I’m finding that I use the 50 a lot more than previously. Because of the higher magnification, for a left eye dominant glasses wearer the 35mm framelines on the M6TTL are not as comfortable to use as those on the Hexar.If it’s easier to focus, it seems mostly down to the higher magnification.

I suspect that my M6 spent most of its former life on a shelf, so the shutter may need some attention. No major equipment troubles, but it looks like I had a shutter problem for half a dozen frames on one roll, with vertical streaks marring the frames. More on that later, perhaps.Įverything from this trip was shot on TriX with the M6 and the 50 Hex, processed in Xtol 1+1 for 9 minutes 68F (or the equivalent time/temp depending on how cold the water was) and scanned on the trusty Scan Dual IV. The post travel readjustment always takes me a bit of time, but this one is taking longer than usual. With the bulk of the processing done, I’m just now starting to feel like I’m back from vacation even though I’ve been back at work for a couple of weeks. Lots of scanning remains, but I’ve got enough of it done to resume more regular posting.